iChalk 3.41
Rendezvous-enabled chalkboard/comic book maker.
What's new in this version:
- Fixed a bug which caused occasional crash when chalkboard size was changed during collaboration.
- Undo for move captions in the chalkboard.
- Fixed inconsistent behavior in automatic control yield.
- Caption (text block) tools added for chalkboard.
Now users can easily add bubble dialogs to their cartoon drawings, chemical formula (with support for super- and sub-scripts as well as other font traits. - New improved connection protocol.
Dramatic improvement in speed and stability over internet. Due to extensive change, it is no longer compatible with earlier versions of iStorm. Time to update for everybody! - Port number finder for easier connection over internet.
Almost as transparent as using Rendezvous for connections over internet! - Site Licensees no longer have the limitation of collaboation only within site.
- Improved site license administration.
One valid site license input in a single user account and the machine is all set for others. - Fixed a bug with inconsistent undoing result for an eraser action.
- Fixed a bug which caused sluggishness in sessions across the internet.
- Fixed a bug which made clients hang when the server crashes.
- Fixed a bug under Panther which prevented one from dropping a jpg into the chalkboard.
Product Description:
iChalk is the first Rendezvous-enabled full color chalk board program for OS X. With Rendezvous technology, a group of creative people can set up a shared doodling-board and spill their creativity all over the net.
Not all of us are Leonardo or Vermeer. Yet, there has been a learned argument made about the Masters having used a gadget called Camera Obscura in painting their life-like masterpieces. Discover how we renovated Camera Obscura in iChalk. Learn by tracing the Masters! Or just grab an image from Frame grabber module off your camcoder.
With built-in QuickTime interface, one can archive the history of an on-line doodling session frame by frame. One of the vital techniques in creating a smooth animation is "rotoscope". iChalk features Roto-for-dummies. Use it to create a cute Valentine card for your beloved. With newly added text/caption tool, make your own cartoon series neatly packed into a Quicktime movie. The possibilities are endless now with full color support and adjustable window size, even during shared session.
Very pressure sensitive, of course! (for tablet users)
Owners of iStorm may use iChalk for free. - Pressure sensitive, realistic chalk action.
- Rotoscope for the masses: Built-in QuickTime movie generation.
- CameraObscura renovated: Learn to draw by tracing imported pictures.
- Zero configuration hassle with Rendezvous technology for LAN.
- Optional real time update of chalk board.
- Drag and drop jpg, gif, tiff, psd files into the board for background.
- Innovative emotion conveying chat module.
- Color coded chat message
- Short voicegram in the chat module.
- Simple frame grab from a live video source
- Requires OS X Jaguar (10.2) or later, LAN and Broadband Internet connection.
Product Requirements:
- Mac OS X 10.2 or higher
- Camcoder or webcam required for video frame grab
- Wacom tablet recommended for superior chalking experience